
你的位置:首頁 » 產品中心 » 光通信測試儀 » 光衰減器 » AQ3150-光衰減器 徐經理 18912657535
儀器名稱: AQ3150-光衰減器 徐經理 18912657535 儀器型號: AQ3150 儀器品牌: ANDO 儀器指標:
The AQ3150 optical attenuator provides high perforrnance and programmable operation, with an attenuation range from 0 to 60dB in 0.001dB steps, switchable without interruption. Offering excellent attenuation accuracy and return loss, support for high-power applications and low dependence on polarization, here is the ideal instrument for development of WDM systems and EDFA and other optical devices, as well as for automated systems on the manufacturing inspection line.
0.00ldB step resolution
±0.1dB attenuation deviation and excellent repeatability (typical ±0.005dB) for reliable measurement
High-power input support for measurement of EDFA